Should Kagan’s Partisan Past and Policy Work Derail Her Confirmation?
Over half of Supreme Court Justices throughout history have served in or sought partisan legislative or executive offices One of the prime concerns most frequently cited by D.C. Republicans about...
View ArticleBreeding Brilliant Legal Minds: Minnesotans on the U.S. Supreme Court
No other state west of the Mississippi River has given birth to more justices than the Gopher State As Elena Kagan’s confirmation hearing reached its second day before the U.S. Senate Judiciary...
View ArticleThe Great Divide: Birth States of U.S. Supreme Court Justices
Only 11 of 111 justices have been born in the 24 states west of the Mississippi River; just 25 percent over the last 50 years When Elena Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court by Barack Obama earlier...
View ArticleIncreased Partisan Opposition in Kagan Confirmation Vote Continues Historical...
Six of the last seven presidents have faced increased opposition to get their second SCOTUS justice seated; Kagan receives third most ‘nay’ votes among successful nominees in history Elena Kagan’s...
View ArticleHumphrey Institute Event to Examine Impact of Citizens United
On Tuesday afternoon, the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs will host an event analyzing the impact of the recent Citizens United case, in which the Supreme Court...
View ArticleWill Confidence in Supreme Court Erode or Rebound After Obamacare Decision?
The U.S. Supreme Court’s net confidence rating during Barack Obama’s presidency is at an all-time low since Gallup’s measurement began in the early 1970s The immediate impact of the Supreme Court’s...
View ArticleObama vs the Supreme Court: Rhetoric of the 44th President
Obama’s critical comments of the Court outweigh favorable comments by more than a 4:1 margin since taking office A recent Smart Politics report found that since Barack Obama took office, confidence in...
View ArticleWhat Does Mitt Romney Think About Chief Justice John Roberts?
A look back at what Romney and the 2012 GOP field said about the now controversial Chief Justice who wrote to uphold most of the Affordable Care Act Mitt Romney may have had to mince words over the...
View ArticleWill Obama Become the Next William Howard Taft?
Did the president hint at his next career ambition of becoming a Supreme Court justice during a recent news conference? During Barack Obama’s press conference last Friday the issues surrounding the...
View ArticlePat Toomey: Last of the “Bork 8” Seats to Flip in 2016?
Eight U.S. Senators went against the majority of their party during the controversial 1987 Robert Bork confirmation vote; seven of their seats have since flipped for good in subsequent elections...
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